10.5 Matrix Exponential


Matrices can be used in an entirely different manner to solve a system of linear first-order differential equations. Recall that the simple linear first-order differential equation x′ = ax, where a is a constant, has the general solution x = ceat. It seems natural, then, to ask whether we can define a matrix exponential eAt, where A is a matrix of constants, so that eAt is a solution of the system X′ = AX.

Homogeneous Systems

We shall now see that it is possible to define a matrix exponential eAt so that the homogeneous system X′ = AX, where A is an n × n matrix of constants, has a solution

X = eAtC.(1)

Since C is to be an n × 1 column matrix of arbitrary constants, we want eAt to be an n × n matrix. While the complete development of the meaning and theory of the matrix exponential would require a thorough knowledge of matrix algebra, one way of defining eAt is inspired by the power series representation of the scalar exponential function eat:


The series in (2) converges for all t. Using this series, with 1 replaced by the identity matrix I and the constant a replaced with an n × n matrix A of constants, we arrive at a definition for the n × n matrix eAt.

DEFINITION 10.5.1 Matrix Exponential

For any n × n matrix A,


It can be shown that the series given in (3) converges to an n × n matrix for every value of t. Also, in (3), A0 = I, A2 = AA, A3 = A(A2), and so on.

EXAMPLE 1 Matrix Exponential Using (3)

Compute eAt for the matrix


From the various powers

we see from (3) that

In view of (2) and the identifications a = 2 and a = 3, the power series in the first and second rows of the last matrix represent, respectively, e2t and e3t and so we have

The matrix in Example 1 is an example of a 2 × 2 diagonal matrix. In general, an n × n matrix A is a diagonal matrix if all its entries off the main diagonal are zero; that is,


Hence if A is any n × n diagonal matrix it follows from Example 1 that


Derivative of eAt

The derivative of the matrix exponential eAt is analogous to that of the scalar exponential; that is, d/dt eat = aeat. To justify


we differentiate (3) term-by-term:

Because of (4), we can now prove that (1) is a solution of X′ = AX for every n × 1 vector C of constants:

X′ = eAtC = AeAtC = A(eAtC) = AX.(5)

eAt Is a Fundamental Matrix

If we denote the matrix exponential eAt by the symbol Ψ(t), then (4) is equivalent to the matrix differential equation Ψ′(t) = (see (3) of Section 10.4). In addition, it follows immediately from Definition 10.5.1 that Ψ(0) = eA0 = I and so det Ψ(0) ≠ 0. It turns out that these two properties are sufficient for us to conclude that Ψ(t) is a fundamental matrix of the system X′ = AX.

Nonhomogeneous Systems

We have seen in (4) of Section 2.3 that the general solution of the single linear first-order differential equation x′ = ax + f(t), where a is a constant, can be expressed as

x = xc + xp = ceat + eat f(s) ds.

For a nonhomogeneous system of linear first-order differential equations, it can be shown that the general solution of X′ = AX + F(t), where A is an n × n matrix of constants, is

X = Xc + Xp = eAtC + eAt F(s) ds.(6)

Since the matrix exponential eAt is a fundamental matrix, it is always nonsingular and eAs = (eAs)−1. Note that eAs can be obtained from eAt by replacing t by −s.

Computation of eAt

The definition of eAt given in (3) can, of course, always be used to compute eAt. However, the practical utility of (3) is limited by the fact that the entries in eAt are power series in t. With one’s natural desire to work with simple and familiar things, we then try to recognize whether these series define a closed form function. See Problems 1–4 in Exercises 10.5. Fortunately there are many alternative ways of computing eAt. We sketch two of these methods in the discussion that follows.

Using the Laplace Transform

We saw in (5) that X = eAt is a solution of X′ = AX. Indeed, since eA0 = I, X = eAt is a solution of the initial-value problem

X′ = AX, X(0) = I.(7)

If x(s) = {X(t)} = {eAt}, then the Laplace transform of (7) is

sx(s) − X(0) = Ax(s) or (sIA)x(s) = I.

Multiplying the last equation by (sIA)−1 implies x(s) = (sIA)−1I = (sIA)−1. In other words, {eAt} = (sIA)−1 or

eAt = –1{(sIA)–1}.(8)

EXAMPLE 2 Matrix Exponential

Use the Laplace transform to compute eAt for A = .


First we compute the matrix sIA and then find its inverse:

Then we decompose the entries of the last matrix into partial fractions:


Taking the inverse Laplace transform of (9) gives the desired result,

Using Powers Am

In Section 8.9, we developed a method for computing an arbitrary power Ak, k a nonnegative integer, of an n × n matrix A. Recall from Section 8.9 that we can write


where the coefficients cj are the same in each and the last expression is valid for the eigenvalues λ1, λ2, … , λn of A. We assume here that the eigenvalues of A are distinct. By setting λ = λ1, λ2, … , λn in the second expression in (10), we were able to find the cj in the first expression by solving n equations in n unknowns. It will be convenient in the development that follows to emphasize the fact that the coefficients cj in (10) depend on the power k by replacing cj by cj (k). From (3) and (2), we have


We next use (10) in (11) to replace Ak and λk as finite sums followed by an interchange of the order of summations



where bj (t) = (tk/k!)cj (k). Analogous to how we used the eigenvalues of A in (10) to determine the cj, we again use the eigenvalues, but this time in the finite sum (13) to determine a system of equations to determine the bj; these coefficients, in turn, are used in (12) to determine eAt.

EXAMPLE 3 Matrix Exponential

Compute eAt for A = .


We have already seen the matrix A in Section 8.9, and there we found its eigenvalues to be λ1 = −1 and λ2 = 2. Now since A is a 2 × 2 matrix, we have from (12) and (13)

eAt = b0I + b1A and eλt = b0 + b1λ.(14)

Setting λ = −1 and λ = 2 in the second equation of (14) gives two equations in the two unknowns b0 and b1. Solving the system

yields b0 = [e2t + 2et], b1 = [e2tet]. Substituting these values in the first equation of (14) and simplifying the entries yields


In Problems 23–26 in Exercises 10.5, we show how to compute the matrix exponential eAt when the matrix A is diagonalizable (see Section 8.12).

Use of Computers

For those willing to momentarily trade understanding for speed of solution, eAt can be computed with the aid of computer software; for example, in Mathematica, the function MatrixExp[A t] computes the matrix exponential for a square matrix A; in Maple, the command is exponential(A, t); in MATLAB the function is expm(At). See Problems 27 and 28 in Exercises 10.5.

10.5 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-29.

In Problems 1 and 2, use (3) to compute eAt and eAt.

  1. A =
  2. A =

In Problems 3 and 4, use (3) to compute eAt.

  1. A =
  2. A =

In Problems 5–8, use (1) and the results in Problems 1–4 to find the general solution of the given system.

  1. X′ = X
  2. X′ = X
  3. X′ = X
  4. X′ = X

In Problems 9–12, use (6) to find the general solution of the given system.

  1. X′ = X +
  2. X′ = X +
  3. X′ = X +
  4. X′ = X +
  5. Solve the system in Problem 7 subject to the initial condition

    X(0) = .

  6. Solve the system in Problem 9 subject to the initial condition

    X(0) = .

In Problems 15–18, use the method of Example 2 to compute eAt for the coefficient matrix. Use (1) to find the general solution of the given system.

  1. X′ = X
  2. X′ = X
  3. X′ = X
  4. X′ = X

In Problems 19–22, use the method of Example 3 to compute eAt for the coefficient matrix. Use (1) to find the general solution of the given system.

  1. X′ = X
  2. X′ = X
  3. X′ = X
  4. X′ = X
  5. If the matrix A can be diagonalized, then P−1AP = D or A = PDP−1. Use this last result and (3) to show that eAt = PeDt P−1.
  6. Use D = and (3) to show that

In Problems 25 and 26, use the results of Problems 23 and 24 to solve the given system.

  1. X′ = X
  2. X′ = X

Computer Lab Assignments

    1. Use (1) to find the general solution of X′ = X. Use a CAS to find eAt. Then use the computer to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the coefficient matrix A = and form the general solution in the manner of Section 10.2. Finally, reconcile the two forms of the general solution of the system.
    2. Use (1) to find the general solution of X′ = X. Use a CAS to find eAt. In the case of complex output, utilize the software to do the simplification; for example, in Mathematica, if m=MatrixExp[A t] has complex entries, then try the command Simplify [ComplexExpand[m]].
  1. Use (1) to find the general solution of

    X′ = X.

    Use a CAS to find eAt.

Discussion Problems

  1. Reread the discussion leading to the result given in (8). Does the matrix sIA always have an inverse? Discuss.
  2. In Exercises 8.9 we saw that a nonzero n × n matrix A is nilpotent if m is the smallest positive integer such that Am = 0. Verify that A = is nilpotent. Discuss why it is relatively easy to compute eAt when A is nilpotent. Compute eAt for the given matrix and then use (2) to solve the system X′ = AX.