13.1 Separable Partial Differential Equations
Partial differential equations (PDEs), like ordinary differential equations (ODEs), are classified as linear or nonlinear. Analogous to a linear ODE (see (6) of Section 1.1), the dependent variable and its partial derivatives appear only to the first power in a linear PDE. In this and the chapters that follow, we are concerned only with linear partial differential equations.
Linear Partial Differential Equation
If we let u denote the dependent variable and x and y the independent variables, then the general form of a linear second-order partial differential equation is given by
where the coefficients A, B, C, … , G are constants or functions of x and y. When G(x, y) = 0, equation (1) is said to be homogeneous; otherwise, it is nonhomogeneous.
EXAMPLE 1 Linear Second-Order PDEs
The equations
are examples of linear second-order PDEs. The first equation is homogeneous and the second is nonhomogeneous.≡
Solution of a PDE
A solution of a linear partial differential equation (1) is a function u(x, y) of two independent variables that possesses all partial derivatives occurring in the equation and that satisfies the equation in some region of the xy-plane.
It is not our intention to examine procedures for finding general solutions of linear partial differential equations. Not only is it often difficult to obtain a general solution of a linear second-order PDE, but a general solution is usually not all that useful in applications. Thus our focus throughout will be on finding particular solutions of some of the important linear PDEs, that is, equations that appear in many applications.
We are interested only in particular solutions of PDEs.
Separation of Variables
Although there are several methods that can be tried to find particular solutions of a linear PDE, the one we are interested in at the moment is called the method of separation of variables. In this method if we are seeking a particular solution of, say, a linear second-order PDE in which the independent variables are x and y, then we seek to find a particular solution in the form of product of a function x and a function of y:
u(x, y) = X(x)Y(y).
With this assumption, it is sometimes possible to reduce a linear PDE in two variables to two ODEs. To this end we observe that
where the primes denote ordinary differentiation.
EXAMPLE 2 Using Separation of Variables
Find product solutions of .
Substituting u(x, y) = X(x)Y(y) into the partial differential equation yields
X″Y = 4XY′.
After dividing both sides by 4XY, we have separated the variables:
Since the left-hand side of the last equation is independent of y and is equal to the right-hand side, which is independent of x, we conclude that both sides of the equation are independent of x and y. In other words, each side of the equation must be a constant. As a practical matter it is convenient to write this real separation constant as –λ. From the two equalities,
we obtain the two linear ordinary differential equations
X″ + 4λX = 0 and Y′ + λY = 0.(2)
See Example 2, Section 3.9 and Example 1, Section 12.5.
For the three cases for λ: zero, negative, or positive; that is, λ = 0, λ = –α2 < 0, and λ = α2 > 0, where α > 0, the ODEs in (2) are, in turn,
X″ = 0and Y′ = 0, (3)
X″ – 4α2X = 0 and Y′ – α2Y = 0, (4)
X″ + 4α2X = 0 and Y′ + α2Y = 0.(5)
Case I (λ = 0): The DEs in (3) can be solved by integration. The solutions are X = c1 + c2x and Y = c3. Thus a particular product solution of the given PDE is
u = XY = (c1 + c2x)c3 = A1 + B1x, (6)
where we have replaced c1c3 and c2c3 by A1 and B1, respectively.
Case II (λ = –α2): The general solutions of the DEs in (4) are
X = c4 cosh 2αx + c5 sinh 2αx and Y = c6,
respectively. Thus, another particular product solution of the PDE is
or (7)
where A2 = c4c6 and B2 = c5c6.
Case III (λ = α2): Finally, the general solutions of the DEs in (5) are
respectively. These results give yet another particular solution
where A3 = c7c9 and B3 = c8c9.≡
It is left as an exercise to verify that (6), (7), and (8) satisfy the given partial differential equation uxx = 4uy. See Problem 29 in Exercises 13.1.
Separation of variables is not a general method for finding particular solutions; some linear partial differential equations are simply not separable. You should verify that the assumption u = XY does not lead to a solution for ∂2u/∂x2 – ∂u/∂y = x.
Superposition Principle
The following theorem is analogous to Theorem 3.1.2 and is known as the superposition principle.
THEOREM 13.1.1 Superposition Principle
If u1, u2, … , uk are solutions of a homogeneous linear partial differential equation, then the linear combination
u = c1u1 + c2u2 + + ckuk ,
where the ci , i = 1, 2, … , k are constants, is also a solution.
Throughout the remainder of the chapter we shall assume that whenever we have an infinite set u1, u2, u3, … of solutions of a homogeneous linear equation, we can construct yet another solution u by forming the infinite series
where the ck , k = 1, 2, … , are constants.
Classification of Equations
A linear second-order partial differential equation in two independent variables with constant coefficients can be classified as one of three types. This classification depends only on the coefficients of the second-order derivatives. Of course, we assume that at least one of the coefficients A, B, and C is not zero.
DEFINITION 13.1.1 Classification of Equations
The linear second-order partial differential equation
where A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are real constants, is said to be
hyperbolic if B2 – 4AC > 0,
parabolic if B2 – 4AC = 0,
elliptic if B2 – 4AC < 0.
EXAMPLE 3 Classifying Linear Second-Order PDEs
Classify the following equations:
(c) .
(a) By rewriting the given equation as
we can make the identifications A = 3, B = 0, and C = 0. Since B2 – 4AC = 0, the equation is parabolic.
(b) By rewriting the equation as
we see that A = 1, B = 0, C = –1, and B2 – 4AC = –4(1)(–1) > 0. The equation is hyperbolic.
(c) With A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, and B2 – 4AC = –4(1)(1) < 0, the equation is elliptic.≡
(i) Separation of variables is not a general method for finding particular solutions of linear partial differential equations. Some equations are simply not separable. You are encouraged to verify that the assumption u(x, y) = X(x)Y(y) does not lead to a solution of the linear second-order PDE .
(ii) A detailed explanation of why the classifications given in Definition 13.1.1 are important is beyond the scope of this text. But you should at least be aware that these classifications do have a practical importance. Beginning in Section 13.3 we are going to solve some PDEs subject to both boundary and initial conditions. The kinds of side conditions appropriate for a given equation depend on whether the equation is hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic. Also, we shall see in Chapter 16 that numerical solution methods for linear second-order PDEs differ in conformity with the classification of the equation.
13.1 ExercisesAnswers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-33.
In Problems 1–16, use separation of variables to find, if possible, product solutions for the given partial differential equation.
- a constant
In Problems 17–26, classify the given partial differential equation as hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic.
In Problems 27 and 28, show that the given partial differential equation possesses the indicated product solution.
- Verify that each of the products u = X(x)Y(y) in (6), (7), and (8) satisfies the second-order PDE in Example 2.
- Definition 13.1.1 generalizes to linear PDEs with coefficients that are functions of x and y. Determine the regions in the xy-plane for which the equation
is hyperbolic, parabolic, or elliptic.
Discussion Problems
In Problems 31 and 32, discuss whether product solutions u = X(x)Y(y) can be found for the given partial differential equation. [Hint: Use the superposition principle.]