14.1 Polar Coordinates
All the boundary-value problems that have been considered so far have been expressed in terms of rectangular coordinates. If, however, we wish to find temperatures in a circular disk, in a circular cylinder, or in a sphere, we would naturally try to describe the problems in polar coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, or spherical coordinates, respectively.
Because we consider only steady-state temperature problems in polar coordinates in this section, the first thing that must be done is to convert the familiar Laplace’s equation in rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates.
Laplacian in Polar Coordinates
The relationships between polar coordinates in the plane and rectangular coordinates are given by
See FIGURE 14.1.1. The first pair of equations transform polar coordinates (r, θ) into rectangular coordinates (x, y); the second pair of equations enable us to transform rectangular coordinates into polar coordinates. These equations also make it possible to convert the two-dimensional Laplacian of the function u, ∇2u = ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2, into polar coordinates. You are encouraged to work through the details of the Chain Rule and show that
FIGURE 14.1.1 Polar coordinates of a point (x, y) are (r, θ)
Adding (1) and (2) and simplifying yields the Laplacian of u in polar coordinates:
In this section we shall concentrate only on boundary-value problems involving Laplace’s equation in polar coordinates:
. (3)
Our first example is the Dirichlet problem for a circular disk. We wish to solve Laplace’s equation (3) for the steady-state temperature u(r, θ) in a circular disk or plate of radius c when the temperature of the circumference is u(c, θ) = f(θ), 0 ˂ θ ˂ 2π. See FIGURE 14.1.2. It is assumed that the two faces of the plate are insulated. This seemingly simple problem is unlike any we have encountered in the previous chapter.
FIGURE 14.1.2 Dirichlet problem for a circular plate
EXAMPLE 1 Steady Temperatures in a Circular Plate
Solve Laplace’s equation (3) subject to u(c, θ) = f(θ), 0 ˂ θ ˂ 2π.
Before attempting separation of variables we note that the single boundary condition is nonhomogeneous. In other words, there are no explicit conditions in the statement of the problem that enable us to determine either the coefficients in the solutions of the separated ODEs or the required eigenvalues. However, there are some implicit conditions.
First, our physical intuition leads us to expect that the temperature u(r, θ) should be continuous and therefore bounded inside the circle r = c. In addition, the temperature u(r, θ) should be single-valued; this means that the value of u should be the same at a specified point in the plate regardless of the polar description of that point. Since (r, θ + 2π) is an equivalent description of the point (r, θ), we must have u(r, θ) = u(r, θ + 2π). That is, u(r, θ) must be periodic in θ with period 2π. If we seek a product solution u = R(r)Θ(θ), then Θ(θ) needs to be 2π-periodic.
With all this in mind, we choose to write the separation constant in the separation of variables as λ:
The separated equations are then
We are seeking a solution of the problem
Although (6) is not a regular Sturm–Liouville problem, nonetheless the problem generates eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The latter form an orthogonal set on the interval [0, 2π].
Of the three possible general solutions of (5),
we can dismiss (8) as inherently nonperiodic unless c1 = c2 = 0. Similarly, solution (7) is nonperiodic unless we define c2 = 0. The remaining constant solution Θ(θ) = c1, c1 # 0, can be assigned any period and so λ = 0 is an eigenvalue. Finally, solution (9) will be 2π-periodic if we take α = n, where n = 1, 2, ….* The eigenvalues of (6) are then λ0 = 0 and λn = n2, n = 1, 2, …. If we correspond λ0 = 0 with n = 0, the eigenfunctions of (6) are
When λn = n2, n = 0, 1, 2, … the solutions of the Cauchy–Euler DE (4) are
…. (11)
Now observe in (11) that r−n = 1/rn. In either of the solutions (10) or (11), we must define c4 = 0 in order to guarantee that the solution u is bounded at the center of the plate (which is r = 0). Thus product solutions un = R(r)Θ(θ) for Laplace’s equation in polar coordinates are
where we have replaced c3c1 by A0 for n = 0 and by An for n = 1, 2, …; the product c3c2 has been replaced by Bn. The superposition principle then gives
By applying the boundary condition at r = c to the result in (12) we recognize
as an expansion of f in a full Fourier series. Consequently we can make the identifications
That is, (13)
The solution of the problem consists of the series given in (12), where the coefficients A0, An, and Bn are defined in (13), (14), and (15), respectively. ≡
Observe in Example 1 that corresponding to each positive eigenvalue, λn = n2, n = 1, 2, …, there are two different eigenfunctions—namely, cos nθ and sin nθ. In this situation the eigenvalues are sometimes called double eigenvalues.
EXAMPLE 2 Steady Temperatures in a Semicircular Plate
Find the steady-state temperature u(r, θ) in the semicircular plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.3.
FIGURE 14.1.3 Semicircular plate in Example 2
The boundary-value problem is
Defining u = R(r)Θ(θ) and separating variables gives
and r2R″ + rR′ − λR = 0 (16)
Θ″ + λΘ = 0.(17)
The homogeneous conditions stipulated at the boundaries θ = 0 and θ = π translate into Θ(0) = 0 and Θ(π) = 0. These conditions together with equation (17) constitute a regular Sturm–Liouville problem:
This familiar problem* possesses eigenvalues λn = n2 and eigenfunctions Θ(θ) = c2 sin nθ, n = 1, 2, …. Also, by replacing λ by n2 the solution of (16) is R(r) = c3rn + c4r−n. The reasoning used in Example 1, namely, that we expect a solution u of the problem to be bounded at r = 0, prompts us to define c4 = 0. Therefore un = R(r)Θ(θ) = Anrn sin nθ and
The remaining boundary condition at r = c gives the Fourier sine series
and so
Hence the solution of the problem is given by
14.1 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-36.
In Problems 1–4, find the steady-state temperature u(r, θ) in a circular plate of radius 1 if the temperature on the circumference is as given.
- u(1, θ) = 2πθ − θ2, 0 < θ <, 2π
- u(1, θ) = θ, 0 < θ < 2π
- If the boundaries θ = 0 and θ = π of a semicircular plate of radius 2 are insulated, we then have
Find the steady-state temperature u(r, θ) if
where u0 is a constant.
- Find the steady-state temperature u(r, θ) in a semicircular plate of radius 1 if the boundary conditions are
where u0 is a constant.
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the quarter-circular plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.4.
FIGURE 14.1.4 Quarter-circular plate in Problem 7
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the quarter-circular plate shown in Figure 14.1.4 if the boundaries
are insulated, and
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the portion of a circular plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.5.
FIGURE 14.1.5 Portion of a circular plate in Problem 9
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the infinite wedge-shaped plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.6. [Hint: Assume that the temperature is bounded as
and as
FIGURE 14.1.6 Wedge-shaped plate in Problem 10
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the plate in the form of an annulus bounded between two concentric circles of radius a and b,
shown in FIGURE 14.1.7. [Hint: Proceed as in Example 1.]
FIGURE 14.1.7 Annular plate in Problem 11
- If the boundary conditions for the annular plate in Figure 14.1.7 are
are constants, show that the steady-state temperature is given by
[Hint: Try a solution of the form
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the annular plate shown in Figure 14.1.7 if the boundary conditions are
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the annular plate shown in Figure 14.1.7 if
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the semiannular plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.8 if the boundary conditions are
FIGURE 14.1.8 Semiannular plate in Problem 15
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the semiannular plate shown in Figure 14.1.8 if
is a constant.
- Find the steady-state temperature
in the quarter-annular plate shown in FIGURE 14.1.9.
FIGURE 14.1.9 Quarter-annular plate in Problem 17
- The plate in the first quadrant shown in FIGURE 14.1.10 is one-eighth of the annular plate in Figure 14.1.7. Find the steady-state temperature
FIGURE 14.1.10 One-eighth annular plate in Problem 18
- Solve the exterior Dirichlet problem for a circular disk of radius c shown in FIGURE 14.1.11. In other words, find the steady-state temperature
in an infinite plate that coincides with the entire xy-plane in which a circular hole of radius c has been cut out around the origin and the temperature on the circumference of the hole is
[Hint: Assume that the temperature u is bounded as
FIGURE 14.1.11 Infinite plate in Problem 19
- Consider the steady-state temperature
in the semiannular plate shown in Figure 14.1.8 with
and boundary conditions
Show that in this case the choice of
in (4) and (5) leads to eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Find the steady-state temperature
Computer Lab Assignments
- Find the series solution for
in Example 1 when
See Problem 1.
- Use a CAS or a graphing utility to plot the partial sum
consisting of the first five nonzero terms of the solution in part (a) for
Superimpose the graphs on the same coordinate axes.
- Approximate the temperatures
Then approximate
- What is the temperature at the center of the circular plate? Why is it appropriate to call this value the average temperature in the plate? [Hint: Look at the graphs in part (b) and look at the numbers in part (c).]
- Find the series solution for
Discussion Problems
- Solve the Neumann problem for a circular plate:
Give the compatibility condition. [Hint: See Problem 21 of Exercises 13.5.]
- Consider the annular plate shown in Figure 14.1.7. Discuss how the steady-state temperature
can be found when the boundary conditions are
- Verify that
is a solution of the boundary-value problem
*For example, note that cos n(θ + 2π) = cos(nθ + 2nπ) = cos nθ.
*The problem in (18) is Example 2 of Section 3.9 with L = π.