1 Chapter in Review Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-1.

In Problems 1 and 2, fill in the blank and then write this result as a linear first-order differential equation that is free of the symbol c1 and has the form dy/dx = f(x, y). The symbols c1 and k represent constants.

In Problems 3 and 4, fill in the blank and then write this result as a linear second-order differential equation that is free of the symbols c1 and c2 and has the form F(y, y″) = 0. The symbols c1, c2, and k represent constants.

In Problems 5 and 6, compute y′ and y″ and then combine these derivatives with y as a linear second-order differential equation that is free of the symbols c1 and c2 and has the form F(y, y′, y″) = 0. The symbols c1 and c2 represent constants.

In Problems 7–12, match each of the given differential equations with one or more of these solutions:

(a) y = 0, (b) y = 2, (c) y = 2x, (d) y = 2x2.

  1. xy′ = 2y
  2. y′ = 2
  3. y′ = 2y − 4
  4. xy′ = y
  5. y″ + 9y = 18
  6. xy″y′ = 0

In Problems 13 and 14, determine by inspection at least one solution of the given differential equation.

  1. y″ = y′
  2. y′ = y(y − 3)

In Problems 15 and 16, interpret each statement as a differential equation.

  1. On the graph of y = (x), the slope of the tangent line at a point P(x, y) is the square of the distance from P(x, y) to the origin.
  2. On the graph of y = (x), the rate at which the slope changes with respect to x at a point P(x, y) is the negative of the slope of the tangent line at P(x, y).
  3. (a) Give the domain of the function y = x2/3.
    (b) Give the largest interval I of definition over which y = x2/3 is a solution of the differential equation 3xy′ − 2y = 0.
    1. Verify that the one-parameter family y2 − 2y = x2x + c is an implicit solution of the differential equation (2y − 2)y′ = 2x − 1.
    2. Find a member of the one-parameter family in part (a) that satisfies the initial condition y(0) = 1.
    3. Use your result in part (b) to find an explicit function y = (x) that satisfies y(0) = 1. Give the domain of . Is y = (x) a solution of the initial-value problem? If so, give its interval I of definition; if not, explain.
  4. Given that is a solution of the DE xy′ + y = 2x. Find x0 and the largest interval I for which y(x) is a solution of the IVP


  5. Suppose that y(x) denotes a solution of the initial-value problem y′ = x2 + y2, y(1) = −1 and that y(x) possesses at least a second derivative at x = 1. In some neighborhood of x = 1, use the DE to determine whether y(x) is increasing or decreasing, and whether the graph y(x) is concave up or concave down.
  6. A differential equation may possess more than one family of solutions.
    1. Plot different members of the families y = 1(x) = x2 + c1 and y = 2(x) = −x2 + c2.
    2. Verify that y = 1(x) and y = 2(x) are two solutions of the nonlinear first-order differential equation (y′)2 = 4x2.
    3. Construct a piecewise-defined function that is a solution of the nonlinear DE in part (b) but is not a member of either family of solutions in part (a).
  7. What is the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the solution of y′ = that passes through (−1, 4)?

In Problems 23–26, verify that the indicated function is an explicit solution of the given differential equation. Give an interval of definition I for each solution.

  1. y″ + y = 2 cos x − 2 sin x; y = x sin x + x cos x
  2. y″ + y = sec x; y = x sin x + (cos x) ln(cos x)
  3. x2y″ + xy′ + y = 0; y = sin(ln x)
  4. x2y″ + xy′ + y = sec(ln x);

    y = cos(ln x) ln(cos(ln x)) + (ln x) sin(ln x)

In Problems 27–30, use (12) of Section 1.1 to verify that the indicated function is a solution of the given differential equation. Assume an appropriate interval I of definition of each solution.

In Problems 31–34, verify that the indicated expression is an implicit solution of the given differential equation.

  1. y″ = 2y(y′)3; y3 + 3y = 2 − 3x
  2. (1 + xy)y′ + y2 = 0; y = exy
  3. Find a constant c1 such that y = c1 + cos 3x is a solution of the differential equation y″ + 9y = 5.
  4. Find constants c1 and c2 such that y = c1 + c2x is a solution of the differential equation y′ + 2y = 3x.
  5. If c is an arbitrary constant, find a first-order differential equation for which y = ce−x + 4x − 6 is a solution. [Hint: Differentiate and eliminate c between the two equations.]
  6. Find a function y = f(x) whose graph passes through (0, 0) and whose slope at any point (x, y) in the xy-plane is 6 − 2x.

In Problems 39–42, is a two-parameter family of the second-order differential equation Find a solution of the second-order initial-value problem consisting of this differential equation and the given initial conditions.

In Problems 43 and 44, verify that the function defined by the definite integral is a particular solution of the given differential equation. In both problems, use Leibniz’s rule for the derivative of an integral:

  1. y″ + 9y = f(x); f(t) sin 3(xt) dt
  2. [Hint: After computing use integration by parts with respect to t.]
  3. The graph of a solution of a second-order initial-value problem d2y/dx2 = f(x, y, y′), y(2) = y0, y′(2) = y1, is given in FIGURE 1.R.1. Use the graph to estimate the values of y0 and y1.
    A graph consists of a curve. The curve starts from the point (0, 5.5). The curve goes down and right, passing through the point (0.8, 0). The curve continues to the fourth quadrant and goes down and right, till the point (2, negative 3). The curve continues in the fourth quadrant and goes up and right, passing through the point (4.4, 0). The curve continues into the first quadrant and goes up and right. All values estimated.

    FIGURE 1.R.1 Graph for Problem 45

  4. A tank in the form of a right-circular cylinder of radius 2 ft and height 10 ft is standing on end. If the tank is initially full of water, and water leaks from a circular hole of radius in. at its bottom, determine a differential equation for the height h of the water at time t. Ignore friction and contraction of water at the hole.
  5. A uniform 10-foot-long heavy rope is coiled loosely on the ground. As shown in FIGURE 1.R.2 one end of the rope is pulled vertically upward by means of a constant force of 5 lb. The rope weighs 1 lb/ft. Use Newton’s second law in the form given in (17) in Exercises 1.3 to determine a differential equation for the height x(t) of the end above ground level at time t. Assume that the positive direction is upward.
    An illustration of a rope that is placed on the ground. One end of the rope is pulled vertically with an upward force of 5 pounds. The height of the rope that is pulled up measures x of t from the ground.

    FIGURE 1.R.2 Rope pulled upward in Problem 47