20.5 Poisson Integral Formulas
The success of the conformal mapping method depends on the recognition of the solution to the new Dirichlet problem in the image region R′. It would therefore be helpful if a general solution could be found for Dirichlet problems in either the upper half-plane y ≥ 0 or the unit disk z ≤ 1. The Poisson integral formula for the upper half-plane provides such a solution by expressing the value of a harmonic function u(x, y) at a point in the interior of the upper half-plane in terms of its values on the boundary y = 0.
Formulas for the Upper Half-Plane
To develop the formula, we first assume that the boundary function is given by u(x, 0) = f(x), where f(x) is the step function indicated in FIGURE 20.5.1. The solution of the corresponding Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane is
Since Arg(z − b) is an exterior angle in the triangle formed by z, a, and b, Arg(z − b) = θ(z) + Arg(z − a), where 0 < θ(z) < π, and we can write
The superposition principle can be used to solve the more general Dirichlet problem in FIGURE 20.5.2. If u(x, 0) = ui for xi−1 ≤ x ≤ xi and u(x, 0) = 0 outside the interval [a, b], then from (1),
Note that Arg(z − t) = tan−1(y/(x − t)), where tan−1 is selected between 0 and π, and therefore d/dt Arg(z − t) = y/((x − t)2 + y2). From (3),
Since u(x, 0) = 0 outside of the interval [a, b], we have
A bounded piecewise-continuous function can be approximated by step functions, and therefore our discussion suggests that (4) is the solution to the Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane. This is the content of Theorem 20.5.1.
THEOREM 20.5.1 Poisson Integral Formula for the Upper Half-Plane
Let u(x, 0) be a piecewise-continuous function on every finite interval and bounded on −∞ < x < ∞. Then the function defined by
is the solution of the corresponding Dirichlet problem on the upper half-plane y ≥ 0.
There are a few functions for which it is possible to evaluate the integral in (4), but in general, numerical methods are required to evaluate the integral.
EXAMPLE 1 Solving a Dirichlet Problem
Find the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane that satisfies the boundary condition u(x, 0) = x when x < 1, and u(x, 0) = 0 otherwise.
By the Poisson integral formula,
Using the substitution s = x − t, we can show that
which can be simplified to
In most of the examples and exercises u(x, 0) is a step function, and we will use the integrated solution (3) rather than (4). If the first interval is (−∞, x1), then the term Arg(z − x1) − Arg(z − a) in the sum should be replaced by Arg(z − x1). Likewise, if the last interval is (xn−1, ∞), then Arg(z − b) − Arg(z − xn−1) should be replaced by π − Arg(z − xn−1).
EXAMPLE 2 Solving a Dirichlet Problem
The conformal mapping f(z) = z + 1/z maps the region in the upper half-plane and outside the circle z = 1 onto the upper half-plane v ≥ 0. Use this mapping and the Poisson integral formula to solve the Dirichlet problem shown in FIGURE 20.5.3(a).
Using the results of Example 3 in Section 20.2, we can transfer the boundary conditions to the w-plane. See Figure 20.5.3(b). Since U(u, 0) is a step function, we will use the integrated solution (3) rather than the Poisson integral. The solution to the new Dirichlet problem is
and therefore
which can be simplified to . ≡
Formula for the Unit Disk
A Poisson integral formula can also be developed to solve the general Dirichlet problem for the unit disk.
THEOREM 20.5.2 Poisson Integral Formula for the Unit Disk
Let u(eiθ) be bounded and piecewise continuous for −π ≤ θ ≤ π. Then the solution to the corresponding Dirichlet problem on the open unit disk z < 1 is given by
Geometric Interpretation
FIGURE 20.5.4 shows a thin membrane (such as a soap film) that has been stretched across a frame defined by u = u(eiθ). The displacement u in the direction perpendicular to the z-plane satisfies the two-dimensional wave equation
and so at equilibrium, the displacement function u = u(x, y) is harmonic. Formula (5) provides an explicit solution for the displacement u and has the advantage that the integral is over the finite interval [−π, π]. When the integral cannot be evaluated, standard numerical integration procedures can be used to estimate u(x, y) at a fixed point z = x + iy with z < 1.
EXAMPLE 3 Displacement of a Membrane
A frame for a membrane is defined by u(eiθ) = θ for −π ≤ θ ≤ π. Estimate the equilibrium displacement of the membrane at (−0.5, 0), (0, 0), and (0.5, 0).
From (5), we get u(x, y) = dt. When (x, y) = (0, 0), we get
For the other two values of (x, y), the integral is not elementary and must be estimated using a numerical integration procedure. Using Simpson’s rule, we obtain (to four decimal places) u(−0.5, 0) = 2.2269 and u(0.5, 0) = 0.9147. ≡
Fourier Series Form
The Poisson integral formula for the unit disk is actually a compact way of writing the Fourier series solution to Laplace’s equation that we developed in Chapter 14. To see this, first note that un(r, θ) = rn cos nθ and vn(r, θ) = rn sin nθ are each harmonic, since these functions are the real and imaginary parts of zn. If a0, an, and bn are chosen to be the Fourier coefficients of u(eiθ) for −π < θ < π, then, by the superposition principle,
is harmonic and u(1, θ) = (a0/2) + (an cos nθ + bn sin nθ) = u(eiθ). Since the solution of the Dirichlet problem is also given by (5), we have
EXAMPLE 4 Solving a Dirichlet Problem
Find the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the unit disk satisfying the boundary condition u(eiθ) = sin 4θ. Sketch the level curve u = 0.
Rather than working with the Poisson integral (5), we will use the Fourier series solution (6), which reduces to u(r, θ) = r4 sin 4θ. Therefore, u = 0 if and only if sin 4θ = 0. This implies u = 0 on the lines x = 0, y = 0, and y = ±x.
If we switch to rectangular coordinates, u(x, y) = 4xy(x2 − y2). The surface u(x, y) = 4xy(x2 − y2), the frame u(eiθ) = sin 4θ, and the system of level curves were sketched using graphics software and are shown in FIGURE 20.5.5. ≡
20.5 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-49.
In Problems 1–4, use the integrated solution (3) to the Poisson integral formula to solve the given Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane.
- Find the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane that satisfies the boundary condition u(x, 0) = x2 when 0 < x < 1, and u(x, 0) = 0 otherwise.
- Find the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the upper half-plane that satisfies the boundary condition u(x, 0) = cos x. [Hint: Let s = t − x and use the Section 19.6 formulas
for a > 0.]
In Problems 7–10, solve the given Dirichlet problem by finding a conformal mapping from the given region R onto the upper half-plane v ≥ 0.
- A frame for a membrane is defined by u(eiθ) = θ2/θ2 for −π ≤ θ ≤ π. Use the Poisson integral formula for the unit disk to estimate the equilibrium displacement of the membrane at (−0.5, 0), (0, 0), and (0.5, 0).
- A frame for a membrane is defined by u(eiθ) = e−|θ| for −π ≤ θ ≤ π. Use the Poisson integral formula for the unit disk to estimate the equilibrium displacement of the membrane at (−0.5, 0), (0, 0), and (0.5, 0).
- Use the Poisson integral formula for the unit disk to show that u(0, 0) is the average value of the function u = u(eiθ) on the boundary z = 1.
In Problems 14 and 15, solve the given Dirichlet problem for the unit disk using the Fourier series form of the Poisson integral formula, and sketch the system of level curves.
- u(eiθ) = cos 2θ
- u(eiθ) = sin θ + cos θ