20.6 Applications
In Sections 20.2, 20.3, and 20.5 we demonstrated how Laplace’s partial differential equation can be solved with conformal mapping methods, and we interpreted a solution u = u(x, y) of the Dirichlet problem as either the steady-state temperature at the point (x, y) or the equilibrium displacement of a membrane at the point (x, y). Laplace’s equation is a fundamental partial differential equation that arises in a variety of contexts. In this section we will establish a general relationship between vector fields and analytic functions and use our conformal mapping techniques to solve problems involving electrostatic force fields and two-dimensional fluid flows.
Vector Fields
A vector field F(x, y) = P(x, y)i + Q(x, y)j in a domain D can also be expressed in the complex form
F(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y)
and thought of as a complex function. Recall from Chapter 9 that div F = ∂P/∂x + ∂Q/∂y and curl F = (∂Q/∂x − ∂P/∂y)k. If we require that both div F = 0 and curl F = 0, then
This set of equations is reminiscent of the Cauchy–Riemann criterion for analyticity presented in Theorem 17.5.2 and suggests that we examine the complex function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y).
THEOREM 20.6.1 Vector Fields and Analyticity
(i) Suppose that F(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y) is a vector field in a domain D and P(x, y) and Q(x, y) are continuous and have continuous first partial derivatives in D. If div F = 0 and curl F = 0, then the complex function
g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y)
is analytic in D.
(ii) Conversely, if g(z) is analytic in D, then F(x, y) = defines a vector field in D for which div F = 0 and curl F = 0.
If u(x, y) and v(x, y) denote the real and imaginary parts of g(z), then u = P and v = −Q. Therefore the equations in (1) are equivalent to the equations
that is, (2)
The equations in (2) are the Cauchy–Riemann equations for analyticity. ≡
EXAMPLE 1 Vector Field Gives an Analytic Function
The vector field defined by F(x, y) = (−kq/z − z02)(z − z0) may be interpreted as the electric field produced by a wire that is perpendicular to the z-plane at z = z0 and carries a charge of q coulombs per unit length. The corresponding complex function is
Since g(z) is analytic for z ≠ z0, div F = 0 and curl F = 0. ≡
EXAMPLE 2 Analytic Function Gives a Vector Field
The complex function g(z) = Az, A > 0, is analytic in the first quadrant and therefore gives rise to the vector field V(x, y) = = Ax − iAy, which satisfies div V = 0 and curl V = 0. We will show toward the end of this section that V(x, y) may be interpreted as the velocity of a fluid that moves around the corner produced by the boundary of the first quadrant. ≡
The physical interpretation of the conditions div F = 0 and curl F = 0 depends on the setting. If F(x, y) represents the force in an electric field that acts on a unit test charge placed at (x, y), then, by Theorem 9.9.2, curl F = 0 if and only if the field is conservative. The work done in transporting a test charge between two points in a domain D must be independent of the path.
If C is a simple closed contour that lies in D, Gauss’s law asserts that the line integral (F · n) ds is proportional to the total charge enclosed by the curve C. If D is simply connected and all the electric charge is distributed on the boundary of D, then (F · n) ds = 0 for any simple closed contour in D. By the divergence theorem in the form (1) of Section 9.16,
where R is the region enclosed by C, and we can conclude that div F = 0 in D. Conversely, if div F = 0 in D, the double integral is zero and therefore the domain D contains no charge.
Potential Functions
Suppose that F(x, y) is a vector field in a simply connected domain D with both div F = 0 and curl F = 0. By Theorem 18.3.3, the analytic function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y) has an antiderivative
in D, which is called a complex potential for the vector field F. Note that
and so (5)
Therefore, F = ∇ϕ and, as in Section 9.9, the harmonic function ϕ is called a (real) potential function for F.* When the potential ϕ is specified on the boundary of a region R, we can use conformal mapping techniques to solve the resulting Dirichlet problem. The equipotential lines ϕ(x, y) = c can be sketched and the vector field F can be determined using (5).
EXAMPLE 3 Complex Potential
The potential ϕ in the half-plane x ≥ 0 satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(0, y) = 0 and ϕ(x, 0) = 1 for x ≥ 1. See FIGURE 20.6.1(a). Determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the force field F.
We saw in Example 2 of Section 20.2 that the analytic function z = sin w maps the strip 0 ≤ u ≤ π/2 in the w-plane to the region R in question. Therefore, f(z) = sin−1z maps R onto the strip, and Figure 20.6.1(b) shows the transferred boundary conditions. The simplified Dirichlet problem has the solution U(u, v) = (2/π)u, and so ϕ(x, y) = U(sin−1z) = Re ((2/π) sin−1z) is the potential function on D, and G(z) = (2/π)u sin−1z is a complex potential for the force field F.
Note that the equipotential lines ϕ = c are the images of the equipotential lines U = c in the w-plane under the inverse mapping z = sin w. In Example 2 of Section 20.2 we showed that the vertical line u = a is mapped onto a branch of the hyperbola
Since the equipotential line U = c, 0 < c < 1, is the vertical line u = π/2c, it follows that the equipotential line ϕ = c is the right branch of the hyperbola
Since F = and d/dz sin−1z = 1/(1 − z2)1/2, the force field is given by
Steady-State Fluid Flow
The vector V(x, y) = P(x, y) + iQ(x, y) may also be interpreted as the velocity vector of a two-dimensional steady-state fluid flow at a point (x, y) in a domain D. The velocity at all points in the domain is therefore independent of time, and all movement takes place in planes that are parallel to a z-plane.
The physical interpretation of the conditions div V = 0 and curl V = 0 was discussed in Section 9.7. Recall that if curl V = 0 in D, the flow is called irrotational. If a small circular paddle wheel is placed in the fluid, the net angular velocity on the boundary of the wheel is zero, and so the wheel will not rotate. If div V = 0 in D, the flow is called incompressible. In a simply connected domain D, an incompressible flow has the special property that the amount of fluid in the interior of any simple closed contour C is independent of time. The rate at which fluid enters the interior of C matches the rate at which it leaves, and consequently there can be no fluid sources or sinks at points in D.
If div V = 0 and curl V = 0, V has a complex velocity potential
G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ(x, y)
that satisfies = V. In this setting, special importance is placed on the level curves ψ(x, y) = c. If z(t) = x(t) + iy(t) is the path of a particle (such as a small cork) that has been placed in the fluid, then
Hence, dy/dx = Q(x, y)/P(x, y) or −Q(x, y) dx + P(x, y) dy = 0. This differential equation is exact, since div V = 0 implies ∂(−Q)/∂y = ∂P/∂x. By the Cauchy–Riemann equations, ∂ψ/∂x = −∂ϕ/∂y = −Q and ∂ψ/∂y = ∂ϕ/∂x = P, and therefore all solutions of (6) satisfy ψ(x, y) = c. The function ψ(x, y) is therefore called a stream function and the level curves ψ(x, y) = c are streamlines for the flow.
EXAMPLE 4 Uniform Flow
The uniform flow in the upper half-plane is defined by V(x, y) = A(1, 0), where A is a fixed positive constant. Note that V = A, and so a particle in the fluid moves at a constant speed. A complex potential for the vector field is G(z) = Az = Ax + iAy, and so the streamlines are the horizontal lines Ay = c. See FIGURE 20.6.2(a). Note that the boundary y = 0 of the region is itself a streamline. ≡
EXAMPLE 5 Flow Around a Corner
The analytic function G(z) = z2 gives rise to the vector field V(x, y) = = (2x, −2y) in the first quadrant. Since z2 = x2 − y2 + i(2xy), the stream function is ψ(x, y) = 2xy and the streamlines are the hyperbolas 2xy = c. This flow, called flow around a corner, is depicted in Figure 20.6.2(b). As in Example 4, the boundary lines x = 0 and y = 0 in the first quadrant are themselves streamlines. ≡
Constructing Special Flows
The process of constructing an irrotational and incompressible flow that remains inside a given region R is called streamlining. Since the streamlines are described by ψ(x, y) = c, two distinct streamlines do not intersect. Therefore, if the boundary is itself a streamline, a particle that starts inside R cannot leave R. This is the content of the following theorem:
THEOREM 20.6.2 Streamlining
Suppose that G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ(x, y) is analytic in a region R and ψ(x, y) is constant on the boundary of R. Then V(x, y) = defines an irrotational and incompressible fluid flow in R. Moreover, if a particle is placed inside R, its path z = z(t) remains in R.
EXAMPLE 6 Flow Around a Cylinder
The analytic function G(z) = z + 1/z maps the region R in the upper half-plane and outside the circle z = 1 onto the upper half-plane v ≥ 0. The boundary of R is mapped onto the u-axis, and so v = ψ(x, y) = y − y/(x2 + y2) is zero on the boundary of R. FIGURE 20.6.3 shows the streamlines of the resulting flow. The velocity field is given by = 1 − 1/, and so
It follows that V ≈ (1, 0) for large values of r, and so the flow is approximately uniform at large distances from the circle z = 1. The resulting flow in the region R is called flow around a cylinder. The mirror image of the flow can be adjoined to give a flow around a complete cylinder. ≡
If R is a polygonal region, we can use the Schwarz–Christoffel formula to find a conformal mapping z = f(w) from the upper half-plane R′ onto R. The inverse function G(z) = f−1(z) maps the boundary of R onto the u-axis. Therefore, if G(z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ(x, y), then ψ(x, y) = 0 on the boundary of R. Note that the streamlines ψ(x, y) = c in the z-plane are the images of the horizontal lines v = c in the w-plane under z = f(w).
EXAMPLE 7 Streamlines Defined Parametrically
The analytic function f(w) = w + Ln w + 1 maps the upper half-plane v ≥ 0 to the upper half-plane y ≥ 0 with the horizontal line y = π, x ≤ 0, deleted. See Example 4 in Section 20.4. If G(z) = f−1(z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ (x, y), then G(z) maps R onto the upper half-plane and maps the boundary of R onto the u-axis. Therefore, ψ (x, y) = 0 on the boundary of R.
It is not possible to find an explicit formula for the stream function ψ (x, y). The streamlines, however, are the images of the horizontal lines v = c under z = f(w). If we write w = t + ic, c > 0, then the streamlines can be represented in the parametric form
z = f(t + ic) = t + ic + Ln(t + ic) + 1;
that is, x = t + 1 + loge (t2 + c2), y = c + Arg(t + ic).
Graphing software was used to generate the streamlines in FIGURE 20.6.4. ≡
A stream function ψ (x, y) is harmonic but, unlike a solution to a Dirichlet problem, we do not require ψ (x, y) to be bounded (see Examples 4–6) or to assume a fixed set of constants on the boundary. Therefore, there may be many different stream functions for a given region that satisfy Theorem 20.6.2. This will be illustrated in the final example.
****************EXAMPLE 8 Streamlines Defined Parametrically
The analytic function f(w) = w + ew + 1 maps the horizontal strip 0 ≤ v ≤ π onto the region R shown in Figure 20.6.4. Therefore, G(z) = f−1(z) = ϕ(x, y) + iψ(x, y) maps R back to the strip and, from M-1 in the conformal mappings in Appendix D, maps the boundary line y = 0 onto the u-axis and maps the boundary line y = π, x ≤ 0, onto the horizontal line v = π. Therefore, ψ(x, y) is constant on the boundary of R.
The streamlines are the images of the horizontal lines v = c, 0 < c < π, under z = f(w). As in Example 7, a parametric representation of the streamlines is
z = f(t + ic) = t + ic + et+ic + 1
or x = t + 1 + et cos c, y = c + et sin c.
The streamlines are shown in FIGURE 20.6.5. Unlike the flow in Example 7, the fluid appears to emerge from the strip 0 ≤ y ≤ π, x ≤ 0. ≡
20.6 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-50.
In Problems 1–4, verify that div F = 0 and curl F = 0 for the given vector field F(x, y) by examining the corresponding complex function g(z) = P(x, y) − iQ(x, y). Find a complex potential for the vector field and sketch the equipotential lines.
- F(x, y) = (cos θ0) i + (sin θ0) j
- F(x, y) = −y i − x j
- F(x, y) = j
- F(x, y) = j
- The potential ϕ on the wedge 0 ≤ Arg z ≤ π/4 satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(x, 0) = 0 and ϕ(x, x) = 1 for x > 0. Determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the corresponding force field F.
- Use the conformal mapping f(z) = 1/z to determine a complex potential, the equipotential lines, and the corresponding force field F for the potential ϕ that satisfies the boundary conditions shown in FIGURE 20.6.6.
- The potential ϕ on the semicircle z ≤ 1, y ≥ 0, satisfies the boundary conditions ϕ(x, 0) = 0, −1 < x < 1, and ϕ(eiθ) = 1, 0 < θ < π. Show that
and use the mapping properties of linear fractional transformations to explain why the equipotential lines are arcs of circles.
- Use the conformal mapping C-1 in Appendix D to find the potential ϕ in the region outside the two circles z = 1 and z − 3 = 1 if the potential is kept at zero on z = 1 and one on z − 3 = 1. Use the mapping properties of linear fractional transformations to explain why the equipotential lines are, with one exception, circles.
In Problems 9–14, a complex velocity potential G(z) is defined on a region R.
- Find the stream function and verify that the boundary of R is a streamline.
- Find the corresponding velocity vector field V(x, y).
- Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
- G(z) = z4
- G(z) = z2/3
- G(z) = sin z
- G(z) = i sin−1z
- G(z) = z2 + 1/z2
- G(z) = ez
In Problems 15–18, a conformal mapping z = f(w) from the upper half-plane v ≥ 0 to a region R in the z-plane is given and the flow in R with complex potential G(z) = f−1(z) is constructed.
- Verify that the boundary of R is a streamline for the flow.
- Find a parametric representation for the streamlines of the flow.
- Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
- M-9 in Appendix D
- M-4 in Appendix D; use a = 1
- M-2 in Appendix D; use a = 1
- M-5 in Appendix D
- A stagnation point in a flow is a point at which V = 0. Find all stagnation points for the flows in Examples 5 and 6.
- For any two real numbers k and x1, the function G(z) = k Ln(z − x1) is analytic in the upper half-plane and therefore is a complex potential for a flow. The real number x1 is called a sink when k < 0 and a source for the flow when k > 0.
- Show that the streamlines are rays emanating from x1.
- Show that V = (k/z − x12)(z − x1) and conclude that the flow is directed toward x1 precisely when k < 0.
- If f(z) is a conformal mapping from a domain D onto the upper half-plane, a flow with a source at a point ξ0 on the boundary of D is defined by the complex potential G(z) = k Ln(f(z) − f(ξ0)), where k > 0. Determine the streamlines for a flow in the first quadrant with a source at ξ0 = 1 and k = 1.
- Construct a flow on the horizontal strip 0 < y < π with a sink at the boundary point ξ0 = 0. [Hint: See Problem 21.]
- Use a graphing utility to sketch the streamlines of the flow.
- The complex potential G(z) = k Ln(z − 1) − k Ln(z + 1) with k > 0 gives rise to a flow on the upper half-plane with a single source at z = 1 and a single sink at z = −1. Show that the streamlines are the family of circles x2 + (y − c)2 = 1 + c2. See FIGURE 20.6.13.
- The flow with velocity vector V = is called a vortex at z = 0, and the geometric nature of the streamlines depends on the choice of a and b.
- Show that if z = x(t) + iy(t) is the path of a particle, then
- Change to polar coordinates to establish that dr/dt = a/r and dθ/dt = b/r2, and conclude that r = ceaθ/b for b ≠ 0. [Hint: See (2) of Section 11.1.]
- Conclude that the logarithmic spirals in part (b) spiral inward if and only if a < 0, and the curves are traversed clockwise if and only if b < 0. See FIGURE 20.6.14.
- Show that if z = x(t) + iy(t) is the path of a particle, then
*If F is an electric field, the electric potential function Φ is defined to be −ϕ and F = −∇Φ.